Mark Fisher New York City Photographer

Mark Fisher New York City Photographer
Image Making Network Of Photographer Mark Fisher ™

Monday, September 12, 2022

Missing Stage Jokes Dimension • New York Photographer Mark Fisher • Combination Involvement Cinderella


Missing Stage Jokes Dimension 

• New York Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Combination Involvement Cinderella

Moving The Piece From Digital File 

Using A Process, Conveniently Editing 

A Merge, Where As Two Or More Cells 

Are Pressed One.  And It Did The Trick. 

Over And Out 


Captured Using Existing Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation 

Slice Dice Processing 

Importing And Moving The Details 

To The Precise Location, 

Aligning The Lay Down Of 

 The Topical Image.

Enhancing The Display 

With Adjustments To Key Values 

Necessary For The Meet Up In The Outcome.

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

 Inherent To The Approach Of Design

On Course, Working The Core Plain, 

Using Creative Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And

 Linear Arrangement

While Placing The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Cell Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City


Just Be Creative™

No Second Usage Without Permission

• All Rights Reserved • 

Talent Used In The Web Post All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, 

Scripting Implant, 

Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.

 Mark Fisher American Photographer 

  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 


For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia

Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also

In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher 

In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

One Great Advantage Dimension • New York Photographer Mark Fisher • Quaker State Motor Oil Advertisement Cinderella

 One Great Advantage Dimension 

• New York Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Quaker State Motor Oil Advertisement Cinderella

During WWII Illustrations For Ads 

Were Based On Action Themes 

To Draw Interest To The Product . 

Most The Companies Involved In This Topic 

Were Involved In War Production. 

This Gave The Reader A Morale Booster. 

Knowing The Team Was In There, 

With Heroic Adventures, Getting The Job Done. 

As Well As Prompting Imagination 

In What The Viewer Could Do, 

To Be Part Of The Winning Force. 

Over And Out 


Captured Under Normal Natural Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation 

A Slice And Dice Process Was Used. 

The Display Was Enhance, Adjusting Key Values 

Pressing The Saturation And Contrast.

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

 Inherent To The Approach Of Design

On Course, Working The Core Plain, 

Using Creative Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And

 Linear Arrangement

While Perfecting The Layout  

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Cell Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City


Just Be Creative™

No Second Usage Without Permission

• All Rights Reserved • 

Talent Used In The Web Post All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, 

Scripting Implant, 

Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.

 Mark Fisher American Photographer 

  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 


For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia

Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also

In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher 

In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Flying Formation Dimension • New York Photographer Mark Fisher • Studebaker WWII Ad Cinderella


Flying Formation Dimension 

• New York Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Studebaker WWII Ad Cinderella

Published In A Magazine. 

To Bring Awareness. 

To The Company's War Effort.

Which Brings High Morale 

To The General Public

Over And Out 


Captured Under Natural Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation 

Adjusting The Display 

For Enhancement

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

 Inherent To The Approach Of Design

On Course, Working The Core Plain, 

Using Creative Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And

 Linear Arrangement

While Placing The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Cell Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

No Second Usage Without Permission

• All Rights Reserved • 

Talent Used In The Web Post All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, 

Scripting Implant, 

Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.

 Mark Fisher American Photographer 

  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 


For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia

Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also

In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher 

In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Root Beer Float Dimensional • New York Photographer Mark Fisher • U.S. Sweet Postage


 Root Beer Float Dimensional 

• New York Photographer Mark Fisher •

 U.S. Sweet Postage

A Release For Mailing Services 

One In A Series, That Prompts Thought

And A Taste That Still Lingers.. 

A Flavor That Runs In The Mind.

Over And Out 


Captured Under Natural Light 

Modified For The Web Presentation Display 

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping 

 Inherent To The Approach Of Display

On Course Working The Core Plain, 

Using Creative Digital Techniques 

Controlling The Placement And

 Linear Arrangement

While Placing The Layout Together 

Through Photo Graphic Engineering 

Assembling The Structured Appearance 

Within The Cell Frame Field 

Maneuvering The Created Elements 

To Complete The Visual Result 

During Post Lab In New York City 


Just Be Creative™

No Second Usage Without Permission

• All Rights Reserved • 

Talent Used In The Web Post All Have Management. 

Removal Of The Image, 

Scripting Implant, 

Or Blog May Violate U.S. Laws.

Photographer Mark Fisher™ Is 

A Well Accomplished Published Photographer 

In Beauty, Fashion, and Music Photography. 

New York City 

Based Image And Filmmaker

Has A Worldwide Following. 

Is A Member Of The Press. 

There Is Fan Page On Facebook.

 Mark Fisher American Photographer 

  Commissions Accepted Through Contract

• New York • • Paris • • Milan • • London • 

  Private Client Request Accepted. 


For More Info Contact 

First Stamp Multimedia

Located In

New York, New York 

Contact Also

In New York City

Or Contact Mark Fisher 

In New York City

Thank You  

Veteran Of The United States Army. 

Trained And Educated In Medicine.